If you leave Unilever, you may be entitled to receive and/or enroll in certain benefits through COBRA. Below are the COBRA rates for medical and dental benefits.



Employee OnlyEmployee + Child(ren)Employee + Spouse/Domestic PartnerEmployee + Family*
Monthly Employee CostMonthly Employee CostMonthly Employee CostMonthly Employee Cost
UHC Choice Plus Plan: $919.02UHC Choice Plus Plan: $1,654.44UHC Choice Plus Plan: $1,976.76UHC Choice Plus Plan: $2,759.10
UHC CDHP: $856.84UHC CDHP: $1,541.50UHC CDHP: $1,840.79UHC CDHP: $2,569.50

*Employee + Family includes employee, spouse/domestic partner and child(ren).



Employee OnlyEmployee + Child(ren)Employee + Spouse/Domestic PartnerEmployee + Family*
Monthly Employee CostMonthly Employee CostMonthly Employee CostMonthly Employee Cost
Dental Option 1: $44.03Dental Option 1: $79.26Dental Option 1: $94.68Dental Option 1: $132.11
Dental Option 2: $28.59Dental Option 2: $51.47Dental Option 2: $61.48Dental Option 2: $85.77