You must be an active employee for coverage to become effective. If you are a new employee, your coverage under the UNICare Benefits Program is effective on your first day of employment. Generally, dependents who are eligible for medical, dental and life insurance coverage include a spouse or domestic partner and children. Review additional eligibility criteria in the Summary Plan Description (SPD), found in the Reference Library on Fidelity NetBenefits®.
Be a smart shopper
There are numerous tools and resources on NetBenefits® to help you become a smart benefits shopper.
Would you like to simplify the process? Spend a few minutes using the Decision Support Tool on netbenefits.com/Unilever to get help selecting the medical plan that is right for you and your needs.
Mandatory elections
New to UNICare?
If you are new to UNICare medical, dental, life and/or disability plans, you must make elections during the Annual Enrollment period to have coverage in 2025, even if you’ve already selected 2024 coverage on your date of hire.
Tobacco use attestation
You must confirm your tobacco usage during the Annual Enrollment window. Employees who do not confirm will default to being a tobacco user and charged the tobacco surcharge and tobacco employee life insurance rates.
Confirm HSA eligibility and enrollment
To receive your employer HSA funding, you must confirm your eligibility to have an HSA during the Annual Enrollment window. Employees who do not confirm their eligibility for opening an HSA will not receive the employer funding in 2025.
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)
Enrolling in an FSA is voluntary; therefore, you must actively elect FSA benefits for each new plan year. If you currently have an FSA, you will need to re-elect in order to have FSA benefits in 2025 or you will default to no election.
Default coverage
If you choose not to make elections during Annual Enrollment and are currently enrolled in UNICare medical, dental, life insurance and/or disability plans, your coverage will default to your existing plans. If you are enrolled in a CDHP and have an HSA but do not actively confirm your eligibility during Annual Enrollment, you will not receive the Unilever-funded HSA contribution. Your FSAs and HSA will be defaulted to no contribution. You will be defaulted to tobacco user status.

Download the Fidelity NetBenefits app
Have NetBenefits at your fingertips! You can even enroll in coverage via the NetBenefits mobile app. Download your free NetBenefits mobile app today from the Apple App store or Google Play.

Update dependent & beneficiary designations
Please confirm each eligible dependent’s information and Social Security number (SSN) is correct. SSNs are a critical element for accurate reporting of benefit coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Unilever periodically conducts dependent audits. If requested, you will need to provide proof, within a reasonable time frame, of each dependent’s eligibility. Update designations now >